Tag Archives: tan

Beauty Quickie

If you’re applying self tanners on your own, it can be really annoying to get it off of the palms of your hands. By applying moisturizers to your hands it will prevent them from absorbing the tanning products. Making it easier to wash off whatever does remain. 🙂

Instantly Bronze

Being a huge fan of Bare Essentials and at home tanning, I decided to give Bare Essentials FAUX TAN a try. In a previous post about foe tanning I mentioned that I wanted to try it and I’m so glad I did. It REALLY worked. I saw color immediately on my skin. I started with the legs and worked my way up. The bottle says that you don’t need to apply again for 5-7 days and it’s true. 

2074033With this wonderful product comes a couple of warnings from yours truly: 

  • You have to make sure you blend the liquid really well into your skin so that you don’t have any streaks. 
  • It takes a little long to dry completely so make sure you have time to really apply it. (It’s not a quick task.)
  • Wash your hands IMMEDIATELY! (I thought my hands were going to stay orange for sure. The product is really strong so wash you hands thoroughly and quickly before it gets the chance to stain the palms of your hands.)

The Faux Tan is great to use if you need an instant or emergency tan. It’s too messy and not quick enough for me to use often. I think I’ll stick to my Jergens mousse tanner. It’s quick, not messy, and a little more affordable for my budget. 


Foe Tan

I don’t think anyone loves tanning more than I do. The joy I get from laying out is: aaaahhh. Amazing. But I have become more conscious of the sun’s harmful rays. We do have other options, other than just laying out. Self tanners are a great option.

31YX828VK7L._SL500_AA280_Jergens is affordable and really works. The lotion comes in three shades, Everyone can find one that matches their skin tone best. They also sell the tanning lotion for the face. 








P235700_heroThis one, Sevin Nyne is by Lindsay Lohan. It comes in a spray form, and it’s supposed to be really easy to apply. It can be found at Sephora stores.








P99721_heroBare Essentials has yet to let me down. I had no idea they had a self tanner. I’ve gotten good results from the Jergens lotion, but I will be trying this one.








Self tanners are a great way of adding color without harming your skin, and it’s a good way of maintaining a lovely glow. Give it a try. 
